What is an Institutional Review Board?
The Institutional Review Board assures the college that human subjects used in research
or educational programs that monitor human subjects are not at undue risk and that
the participants are informed of any risks.
Federal Regulations Regarding the Protection of Human Subjects:
The Code of Federal Regulations (45CFR46)
The Common Rule
State Research Approval Process:
Mississippi Community College Board
(http://www.sbcjc.cc.ms.us/ )
MACJC Research Application
MACJC Approved Research
Coahoma Community College/Coahoma Agricultural High School
Cynthia Williams-Roberson, IRB Chair
Director of Institutional Effectiveness/Accreditation Liaison
Email: cwilliams@emeieme.com
Phone: (662) 621-4670
Fax: (662) 624-6442
Gwendolyn Johnson, IRB Secretary
Coordinator of Federal Programs
Email: gjohnson@emeieme.com
Phone: (662) 621-4088
Fax: (662) 621-4250